Week 5 Homework
Create a sketch that calls an API, processes the data, and visualizes it somehow. A useful but non-exhaistive list of publicly available APIs can be found here.
(optional; extra credit) Submit links to your code on Github and the live sketch on Github pages
- Watch this video on working with APIs and JSON
- Read Chapter 2 of Living in Data by Jer Thorp and Sarah Groff Hennigh-Palermo' talk at Eyeo 2019. Reflect on how you can use data from an API to tell a story or be persuasive. How does this relate to your work? What responsibilities do you have when weilding and crafting a narrative in data?
- (Optionally) Read Getting Started With p5.js Chapter 12 on Data. Online access provided by NYU libraries.
- (Optionally) Watch these Coding Train videos on working with data and APIs in JS
Write a proposal for your midterm project. This includes a narrative description and a high level pseudocode explainer. Add sketches, gifs, and images as appropriate. Identify where you expect to run into trouble, or where you think you will have a gap in your knowledge.