Week 1 Homework
Selfie or Sol Lewitt
Create one of the following and post a link to the sketch on your website:
p5 Selfie Using primitives like arcs, rectangles, and ellipses create a self portrait and post a link to it on your class blog.
Sol Lewitt drawing exercise. As precisely as possible, follow the instructions of one Sol Lewitt wall drawing text and translate it into p5.js code to produce the drawing. Look at Solving Sol as a reference and for inspiration. Choose one wall drawing text from the following list, write the code and post a link to the project on your class blog:
- Wall Drawing #65 (1971): Lines not short, not straight, crossing and touching, drawn at random, using four colors, uniformly dispersed with maximum density, covering the entire surface of the wall.
- Wall Drawing #396 (1983): A black five-pointed star, a yellow six-pointed star, a red seven- pointed star, and a blue eight-pointed star, drawn in color and India ink washes.
- Wall Drawing #915 (1999): Arcs, circle, and irregular bands.
- Read Delusions of Dialogue: Control and Choice in Interactive Art by Jim Campbell. Access provided online by NYU library. Write a 150 - 200 word response to this on your blog. What do you think of Campbell’s articulation of art in a computer?
- Read pages 10-41 ‘What is Code’ and ‘From and Computers’ in FORM+CODE available online though NYU Libraries.
- Watch videos on variables and conditionals.
- (Optionally) Read Getting Started With p5.js Chapters 1-3. Online access provided by NYU libraries.