Week 6 Homework:
(extra credit) Create a small sketch that uses a library to enhance the sketch. For example, use the DOM to create sliders or buttons for interfaces, use peasycam to navigate a 3D space, use p5.scribble to mimic hand drawn images, etc etc etc. (here's a bunch of libraries that play nice with p5js). Upload your work to Github and host it using Github Pages Here's a list of libraries that work well with p5.js
Watch videos on the DOM and the sound library.
(Optionally) Read/watch tutorials on the scribble and/or RiTa libraries.
Continue to work on your midterm. You should have progressed to a point where you have a skeleton that has some basic functionality. You've fully outlined out as pseudocode/comments what functions, classes and objects you will need and what they will do. Document your process and progress in your class blog.