Week 5 Homework
Create a sketch that calls an API, processes the data, and visualizes it somehow. A non-exhaistive list of publicly available APIs can be found here
(optional; extra credit) Submit your homework via Github and Github Pages
Read Chapter 8 of Living in Data by Jer Thorp and reflect on how you can use data from an API to tell a story or be persuasive.
(Optionally) Read Getting Started With p5.js Chapter 12 on Data. Online access provided by NYU libraries.
(Optionally) Watch these Coding Train videos on working with data and APIs in JS
Write a proposal for your midterm project. This includes a narrative description and a high level pseudocode explainer. Add sketches, gifs, and images as appropriate. Identify where you expect to run into trouble, or where you think you will have a gap in your knowledge.